Given the importance of the IELTS test, the importance of preparing for it, its multiple uses, as well as the financial cost and the necessity of needing it, it naturally requires good preparation, and this is what the Madrasa.com website helps you with .
IELTS Academic and General Training share two speaking and listening sections .
First and foremost, listening and speaking are the foundations of learning any language well .
Details of the IELTS Academic and General Training Listening exam format:
Listening section (30 minutes )
In the Listening Questions section , you will listen to four recordings of native English speakers and then write your answers to a series of questions .
- Recording 1- A conversation between two people in an everyday social context.
- Recording 2 - Monologue in an everyday social context, e.g. a speech about local amenities.
- Recording 3 - A conversation between up to four people in an educational or training context, for example a university teacher and a student discussing an assignment.
- Recording 4 - Monologue on an academic topic, e.g. university lecture.
Read also: IELTS General Test Model
What is the rating of this section in the evaluation?
Evaluators are looking for evidence of your ability to understand main ideas and detailed factual information, the speakers' opinions and positions, the purpose of the speech, and your ability to follow the development of ideas .
Description of the IELTS Listening Test:
Question paper format:
- There are four parts, each containing ten questions .
- The questions are designed so that the answers appear in the order they are heard in the audio .
- The first two parts deal with specific situations in everyday social contexts . In the first part, there is a conversation between two speakers ( e.g., a conversation about travel arrangements ), and in the second part, there is a one-on-one dialogue ( e.g., a speech about domestic affairs or facilities ).
- The last two parts deal with specific situations in educational and training contexts . In Part 3 there is a conversation between the main speakers ( for example: two university students in a discussion, perhaps guided by the teacher ) , and in Part 4 there is an individual dialogue on an academic topic .
- You can only hear the recordings once, and they include a range of accents , including British, Australian, New Zealand, American and Canadian .
Exam timing :
Time : about 30 minutes ( plus 10 minutes transportation time ).
Number of questions in the exam :
Number of questions : 40
Read also: How to pass the IELTS test with Almadrasah.com
Types of tasks required in the questions :
A variety of question types are used, and are chosen from the following : multiple choice, matching, marking on a plan, map, diagram, complete the form, note, table, Flowchart, summary, and sentence completion .
Answer the questions :
Test takers write their answers on the question paper as they listen and at the end of the test they are given 10 minutes to transfer their answers to the answer sheet .
Care must be taken when writing the answers on the answer sheet as poor spelling and grammar will be penalized .
Each question is worth one mark .
Details of the IELTS Academic and General Training Speaking Test Format:
conversation Speak for (11-14 minutes ).
Test format:
The Conversation section assesses your use of spoken English, During which every test that occurs is recorded .
Types of tasks required in the speaking test :
There are three parts to the test and each part performs a specific function in terms of interaction style, task input and test taker output .
Parts of the speaking test :
Part 1 - The examiner will ask you general questions about yourself and a range of familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies and interests. This part lasts between four and five minutes .
Part 2 - You will be given a card asking you to talk about a particular topic, you will have one minute to prepare before speaking for up to two minutes, the examiner will then ask one or two questions on the same topic .
Part 3 - You will be asked more questions about the topic in Part 2. This will give you the opportunity to discuss more abstract ideas and issues, and this part of the test lasts between four and five minutes .
Most test takers consider taking an IELTS preparation course, which is one of the easiest ways to take the test, as it focuses solely on your preparation for the test .
Join our educational platform , Almadrasah.com, now and enjoy the IELTS preparation courses we offer .
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Almadrasah.com offers a distinguished group of offers and discounts with the aim of reducing the burden on parents and students.
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Read also: IELTS paper-based or computer-based, what's the difference?
Details of the IELTS Speaking Test Model:
The speaking test consists of an oral interview between the test taker and the test taker .
All speaking tests are recorded .
Conversation time:
Time : 11-14 minutes
Details of the conversation questions parts:
Part One - Introduction and Interview
Task type and format: In this section,
- The examiner identifies himself and verifies the identity of the test takers .
- The test takers are then asked general questions about some familiar topics such as home and family, work, studies and interests, and to ensure consistency the questions are taken from the script .
- Part 1 lasts for 4-5 minutes .
Reason for this question:
This part of the test focuses on the ability to communicate opinions and information about everyday topics, common experiences or situations by answering a set of questions .
Number of questions: Variable
Part Two - One Long Question
Task type and format: The only long part where;
- The examiner gives the test takers a task card that asks the test takers to talk about a particular topic, includes points to be covered in their talk and directs the test takers to explain one aspect of the topic .
- Test takers are given one minute to prepare their speech, and are given a pencil and paper to take notes .
- The examiner asks the test takers to speak for one to two minutes, stops the test takers after two minutes, and asks one or two questions on the same topic .
- Using the points on the task card effectively and taking notes during preparation time will help test takers think of the right things to say, organize their speech, and keep speaking for two minutes .
- Part 2 lasts 3-4 minutes including preparation time .
Reason for this question:
This part of the test focuses on the ability to speak at length about a given topic ( without further prompts from the examiner ) , using appropriate language and organising ideas coherently .
Test takers will likely need to rely on their own experience to complete the long course .
Number of questions: Variable
Part 3 - Discussion
Task type and format:
- In Part 3 , the examiner and test takers discuss issues related to the topic in Part 2 in a more general, abstract and, if necessary, more in-depth way.
- Part 3 lasts 4 to 5 minutes .
Reason for this question:
This part of the test focuses on the ability to express and justify opinions, analyse, discuss and speculate on issues .
Number of questions : Variable
Why prepare for IELTS with Madrasa.com?
You can get a private tutor to help you with the school.com website.
- Determine your English level
- Create a professional training plan that helps you overcome your strengths and weaknesses.
- Training based on previous IELTS exams on strategies and keys to solving exam questions
- Provide notes to help you study outside the course.
- Various training sessions - training hour
- IELTS General Training Online Individual Course - Practical Training with Real Questions
- Native speakers Arab or foreign lecturers
- Gain social communication skills easily in daily life and work
You can get these benefits and many more through the school.com website by subscribing to the IELTS preparation course.
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